
Module Contents



Represent a quadratic form and compute the function value using a quantum circuit





class pyqpanda_alg.QFinance.QUBO.QuadraticBinary(problem)

Represent a quadratic form and compute the function value using a quantum circuit

\[Q(x) = x^T A x + x^T b + c\]
\[|x\rangle_n |0\rangle_m \mapsto |x\rangle_n |(Q(x) + 2^m) \mod 2^m \rangle_m\]

According to the above formula, a negative value can also be represent by this method using two’s complement.


problem : sympy.Basic or dict

A quadratic form function with binary variables to be optimized. Support an expression in sympy. Keys followed should be included if expression in dict:

quadratic : A, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]]] , the quadratic coefficients matrix.

linear : b, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] , the linear coefficients array.

constant : c, float, a constant.

query_qnumber() List[int]

[n_key, n_res] : list[int]

Returns the size(number of qubits) of the variable and result registers for the given problem.


An example for function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyqpanda as pq
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> test0 = QUBO.QuadraticBinary(function)
>>> n_key, n_res = test0.query_qnumber()
>>> print(n_key, n_res)
3 2
cir(q_key, q_res)

q_key : QVec

Qubit(s) for the variable register.

q_res : QVec

Qubit(s) for the result register.


main_cir : QCircuit

Returns the quantum circuit for computing the function.


An example for function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyqpanda as pq
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> test0 = QUBO.QuadraticBinary(function)
>>> n_key, n_res = test0.query_qnumber()
>>> m = pq.CPUQVM()
>>> m.initQVM()
>>> q_key = m.qAlloc_many(n_key)
>>> q_res = m.qAlloc_many(n_res)
>>> print(test0.cir(q_key, q_res))
q_0:  |0>──── ───────■────── ───────■─────────────── ─────────────────────── ───────■────────────────────── >
                     │              │                                               │                       >
q_1:  |0>──── ───────┼────── ───────┼───────■─────── ───────■─────────────── ───────■────────────────────── >
                     │              │       │               │                       │                       >
q_2:  |0>──── ───────┼────── ───────┼───────┼─────── ───────┼───────■─────── ───────┼──────────────■─────── >
          ┌─┐ ┌──────┴─────┐        │┌──────┴──────┐        │┌──────┴──────┐ ┌──────┴──────┐       │        >
q_3:  |0>─┤H├ ┤U1(2.042035)├ ───────┼┤U1(-1.570796)├ ───────┼┤U1(-0.785398)├ ┤U1(-1.884956)├───────┼─────── >
          ├─┤ └────────────┘ ┌──────┴┴────┬────────┘ ┌──────┴┴─────┬───────┘ └─────────────┘┌──────┴──────┐ >
q_4:  |0>─┤H├ ────────────── ┤U1(4.084070)├───────── ┤U1(-3.141593)├──────── ───────────────┤U1(-1.570796)├ >
          └─┘                └────────────┘          └─────────────┘                        └─────────────┘ >

q_0:  |0>───────■─────── ────────────── ────────────── ─ ─── ────────────────── ───
q_1:  |0>───────■─────── ───────■────── ───────■────── ─ ─── ────────────────── ───
                │               │              │
q_2:  |0>───────┼─────── ───────■────── ───────■────── ─ ─── ────────────────── ───
                │        ┌──────┴─────┐        │         ┌─┐
q_3:  |0>───────┼─────── ┤U1(1.413717)├ ───────┼────── X ┤H├ ─────────■──────── ───
         ┌──────┴──────┐ └────────────┘ ┌──────┴─────┐ │ └─┘ ┌────────┴───────┐ ┌─┐
q_4:  |0>┤U1(-3.769911)├ ────────────── ┤U1(2.827433)├ X ─── ┤CR(1.570796).dag├ ┤H├
         └─────────────┘                └────────────┘       └────────────────┘ └─┘

var_array : array_like

An array of binary values.


res : float

The result of the function under given variables array.


An example for function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> test0 = QUBO.QuadraticBinary(function)
>>> # calculate the quadratic function value above with x0, x1, x2= 0, 1, 0
>>> print(test0.function_value([0, 1, 0]))

Traversing the entire solution space to find the minimum value solution.


index_list, min_value : list, float

The solution obtained by traversing the entire solution space.


An example for function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyqpanda as pq
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> test0 = QUBO.QuadraticBinary(function)
>>> # find the minimum function value by traversing
>>> res0 = test0.qubobytraversal()
>>> print('result of traversal: ', res0)
result of traversal:  ([[0, 1, 0]], -1.0)
class pyqpanda_alg.QFinance.QUBO.QUBO_GAS_origin(problem)

Bases: QuadraticBinary

Inheritance class of QuadraticBinary. Using GAS to find the minimum value solution of given quadratic binary optimization problem.

\[Q(x) = x^T A x + x^T b + c\]
\[|x\rangle_n |0\rangle_m \mapsto |x\rangle_n |(Q(x) + 2^m) \mod 2^m \rangle_m\]

According to the above formula, a negative value can also be represent by this method using two’s complement.


problem : sympy.Basic or dict

A quadratic form function with binary variables to be optimized. Support an expression in sympy. Keys followed should be included if expression in dict:

quadratic : A, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]]] , the quadratic coefficients matrix.

linear : b, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] , the linear coefficients array.

constant : c, float , a constant.

run(continue_times: int = 5, init_value=None, process_show=False)

Run the solver to find the minimum.


continue_times : int

The maximum number of repeated searches at the current optimal point in GAS algorithm.

init_value : float

The given initial value of the optimization function. Default the constant item of the problem.

process_show : bool

Set to True to print the detail during search.


minimum_indexes, minimum_res : list[list[int]], float

The optimization result including the solution array and the optimal value.


An example for minimization of quadratic binary function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyqpanda as pq
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> # find the minimum function value using GAS
>>> test1 = QUBO.QUBO_GAS_origin(function)
>>> res1 =, continue_times=10, process_show=False)
>>> print('result of Grover adaptive search: ', res1)
result of Grover adaptive search:  ([[0, 1, 0]], -1.0)
class pyqpanda_alg.QFinance.QUBO.QUBO_QAOA(problem)

Bases: QuadraticBinary

Inheritance class of QuadraticBinary. Using QAOA to find the minimum value solution of given quadratic binary optimization problem.

\[Q(x) = x^T A x + x^T b + c\]
\[|x\rangle_n |0\rangle_m \mapsto |x\rangle_n |(Q(x) + 2^m) \mod 2^m \rangle_m\]

According to the above formula, a negative value can also be represent by this method using two’s complement.


problem : sympy.Basic or dict

A quadratic form function with binary variables to be optimized. Support an expression in sympy. Keys followed should be included if expression in dict:

quadratic : A, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]]], the quadratic coefficients matrix.

linear : b, Optional [Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]], the linear coefficients array.

constant : c, float, a constant.

run(layer=None, optimizer='SLSQP', optimizer_option=None)

Run the solver to find the minimum.


layer : int

Layers number of QAOA circuit. If optimize type is interp, then it represents the final layer of the optimization progress.

optimizer : str, optional

Type of solver. Should be one of

  • SPSA : See :ref: <spsa.spsa_minimize>

  • one of ['Nelder-Mead', 'Powell', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'TNC', 'COBYLA', 'SLSQP', 'trust-constr','dogleg', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-exact', 'trust-krylov']. See scipy.optimize.minimize.

If not given, default by SLSQP.

optimizer_option : dict, optional

A dictionary of solver options. Accept the following generic options:

  • bounds : List[tuple], optional

    Bounds for the variables. Sequence of (min, max) pairs for each element in x. If specified, variables are clipped to fit inside the bounds after each iteration. None is used to specify no bound.

  • options : int

    Maximum number of iterations to perform. Depending on the method each iteration may use several function evaluations.

    For TNC use maxfun instead of maxiter.


qaoa_result : list[tuple]

List of all possible solutions with corresponding probabilities. The solution of the problem we are looking for should generally be the maximum probability.


An example for minimization of quadratic binary function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2

>>> from pyqpanda_alg.QFinance import QUBO
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyqpanda as pq
>>> x0, x1, x2 = sp.symbols('x0 x1 x2')
>>> function = -0.5 * x0 * x1 - 0.7 * x0 * x1 + 0.9 * x1 * x2 + 1.3 * x0 - x1 - 0.5 * x2
>>> # find the minimum function value using QAOA
>>> test2 = QUBO.QUBO_QAOA(function)
>>> res2 =, optimizer='SLSQP',
>>>                  optimizer_option={'options':{'eps':1e-3}})
>>> print('result of QAOA: ', res2)
result of QAOA:  {'000': 0.0004125955977882364, '001': 0.020540129989231624, '010': 0.9152063391500159, '011': 0.003439453872904533, '100': 6.389251180087758e-05, '101': 0.0013381332738120826, '110': 0.034300546853266084, '111': 0.024698908751180276}