
Fundamental Components of Quantum Arithmetic Based on QLuoShu.

We extract some common quantum arithmetics from QLuoShu, including QFT quantum adder, constant modular arithmetics, variant modular arithemetics, point addition or doubling of elliptic curves, which are the fundamental components of quantum algorithms applied to cryptography.

The QFT quantum adder ‘QFTConAdd’ is an in-place circuit for computing \(|x\rangle \rightarrow |a+x\rangle\). Then, the four circuits including ‘ConModAdd,ConModaddmul,ConModMul,ConModExp’ are constructed to compute modular addition \(|x\rangle \rightarrow |a+x \mod N \rangle\), modular addition-multiplication \(|x\rangle|b\rangle \rightarrow |x\rangle|b+ax \mod N \rangle\), modular multiplication \(|x\rangle|0\rangle \rightarrow |ax \mod N \rangle|0\rangle\) and modular exponention \(|x\rangle|0\rangle|0\rangle \rightarrow |x\rangle|0\rangle|a^{x} \mod N \rangle\), which are based on the QFT quantum adder with a constant integer \(a\) and a constant integer modulo \(N\). The constant in these circuits means that it is treated as a classical data rather than a quantum state. The circuit ‘lshift’ is a special circuit to compute \(|x\rangle \rightarrow |2x\rangle\) with only some Swap quantum gates.

Variant modular arithemetics inculding ‘VarModAdd,VarModDou,VarModMul,VarModSqr’ are constructed to compute modular addition \(|x\rangle|y\rangle \rightarrow |x+y \mod N \rangle|y\rangle\), modular doubling \(|x\rangle \rightarrow |2x \mod N \rangle\), modular multiplication \(|x\rangle|y\rangle|0\rangle \rightarrow |x\rangle|y\rangle|x*y \mod N \rangle\) and modular squaring \(|x\rangle|0\rangle \rightarrow |x\rangle|x^{2} \mod N \rangle\). Note that these three circuits ‘VarModDou,VarModMul,VarModSqr’ are only suitable for odd modulo \(N\). Here, we also give two special quantum circuits ‘VarModInv,VarModNeg’ to compute modular inverse \(|x\mod N\rangle \rightarrow |x^{-1}\mod N\rangle\) and modular negativation \(|x\mod N\rangle \rightarrow |-x\mod N\rangle\), which are in-place circuits using the oparation ‘QOracle’ in the QPanda.

The point addition quantum operation ‘q_elliptic_padd’ is used to compute two different points \(|P+Q\rangle\) on elliptic curves over prime field with the character larger than 3. The point doubling quantum operation ‘q_elliptic_pdou’ is used to compute a doubling of a point \(|[2]P\rangle\) on elliptic curves over prime field with the character larger than 3. These two quantum circuits are different, so we give different algorithm introductions and solution interfaces.
